Adding a load balancer to your server environment is a great way to increase reliability and performance. The first tutorial in this series will introduce you to load balancing concepts and terminology, followed by two tutorials that will teach you how to use HAProxy to implement layer 4 or layer 7 load balancing in your own WordPress environment.

Server Load Balancing. Another feature offered by pfSense is server load balancing. This way, the load is distributed towards several servers. This will come in handy when maintaining web servers, mail servers and such. Those servers who are not able to respond to requests for ping or on connections for TCP Port are then removed out of the pool. PFsense Exchange Server loadbalancing : PFSENSE One reason might be that we updated the servers to Exchange 2013 CU7 as part of the move, another reason might be that we updated pfsense from 2.0.2 to 2.1.5, but basically what used to work for Exchange 2013 CU3 and pfsense 2.0.2 no longer works in these later versions. How To Use pfSense To Load Balance Your Web Servers Nov 16, 2011 10 Open Source Load Balancer for HA and Improved Nginx Plus is an all-in-one web application delivery solution including load balancing, content caching, web server, WAF, monitoring, etc. It provides high-performance load balancer solution to scale applications to serve millions of request per seconds. Traefik. A …

PFsense load balancing how? | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos

Inbound Load Balancing | Netgate Forum I am playing around with setting up a inbound load balancer where I will have a VIP that will share the load between two HTTP servers behind it that use 192.168.x IP addressing. According to the docs wiki, PfSense supports round robin load balancing. Can Load Balancing WordPress with HAProxy | DigitalOcean

How to Setup Failover and Load Balancing in PFSense

PFsense Exchange Server loadbalancing : PFSENSE