Feb 16, 2019
May 22, 2018 · How to Delete a YouTube account – How to Delete Youtube Videos. Sometimes, instead of removing the whole YouTube channel, you can actually learn how to delete videos on YouTube. YouTube also gives you the option to keep your videos private or make them visible only to the people who have the link. Apr 26, 2018 · a YouTube account that is associated with a brand account which can also have a YouTube channel associated. You can remove delete hide all types of YouTube channels and accounts, and here’s a video tutorial that simplified the deletion process. How to Delete a YouTube Channel One way is to remove the google (email) account from your phone: Settings > Accounts > Google > ####@gmail.com (the account you want to remove > Remove Account That should work for android! If you want to delete your Cash App account on your iPhone, you have to unlink your account first. You can do this in the app on your phone. How to delete YouTube account – The Process. Click the YouTube channel you want to delete. CLICK –> my YouTube channel. CLICK –> Top Right Account Icon. CLICK –> YouTube settings. You will reach the OVERVIEW PAGE. CLICK –> Advanced (You can see your YouTube Username) Down at the bottom. You will see DELETE CHANNEL button. CLICK
If the YouTube channel has /channel/ followed by random characters then the YouTube channel only HAS one username and that is its email address/Google account username. In this case your brother will have to remember the email address he used to make the YouTube channel on. Tip- it is quite likely a GMail made FOR the YouTube.
How to Clear Your YouTube History: 14 Steps (with Pictures) Dec 30, 2019 How to Delete a YouTube Account - Expert Hoot
How to Delete a YouTube Channel (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Sep 26, 2017 How to Delete Your YouTube Watch History (and Search History) Jul 25, 2018 How To Delete A YouTube Account/Channel In 2020 » How-To-9ja Note, there’s a big difference between deleting your YouTube account and deleting your Google Account, It is possible to Hide your YouTube channel temporarily as opposed to removing the account. The process to do this is below. Steps To Delete A YouTube Account. Following the steps below, you’ll be able to delete or hide your YouTube channel. How to Delete a YouTube Account (6 Easy Steps with Pictures)